On Netflix. Trailers:
click on links below:
If you love Hip-hop
This documentary goes back to the origins and shows the depressed economic conditions that birthed hip-hop
and follows thtransformation and cross over to all ethnic groups and most importantly...every generation since.

About Us: AM
These 6 points are the guiding principles around which our model is designed. Our mission is to intervene in our communities to be a viable grass roots movement devoted to changing and improving the lives of all our youth. We are in the early "seed" stages of our movement and our work and resources are in the field where we can directly impact the communities that we are striving to change and improve. We have found this approach to be very effective, as it encourages trust and respect (2 of our key principles) from members of the community when they see our movement is willing to operate in "the trenches" alongside members of the community. Because our work is focused directly on working within the community , we do not have a concrete location/office at this time. We have the support of the local church (believers) any facilities or resource needs will be met.
Charlotte, North Carolina is one of the fastest growing cities in the U.S. however, not every family or person relocating to this region are doing so in good faith. If we do not build and support our youth who are generational natives as well as implants and just allow the upward mobility for those who are investing and migrating here from across the nation for profit, we’re going to have pockets of isolated communities. Those who come to Charlotte for economic reasons just see this city as a promise land. Those who represent investment groups and individual entrepreneurs most likely do not have strong ties with the community bringing about low to no social capital for our youth. In this (rapid) growth of our city, history has shown that crime and corruption will also come. I believe the September 2016 Charlotte riot was a wake-up call; a sign of what could come if we do not become PRO-ACTIVE and get our collective houses in order. The Republican National Convention (RNC) will bring gifts but they are not for the general welfare of our city but instead they seek to enrich themselves. The conservatives see the pace of economic growth and future potential of our city and they simply want to flip Charlotte. We cannot allow that to happen. All this construction uptown and beyond the surrounding wards is good for the economy but there has to be an attempt first and then a passionate movement to bring some balance to the equation. Residential, retail, commercial and recreational gentrification are dominating this economy and should be met with propping up the schools in the inner city by building trade/vocational schools in place of offering vouchers to inner city kids to attend a successful school out in the suburbs. When select kids from low income communities attend schools out of their communities, the most vital element/resource is missing. They will see the communities where they attend “good schools” as a place they would want to live because not only are the schools better but everything in those communities is better. To that end, they're less likely to want to then build up the community in which they live.
The better solution is to bring in the necessary resources instead of send selective families out.
My family and I moved to Springfield, off Nations Ford Road in the summer of 1978. At that time, there was not a library nor recreation center throughout the entire corridor and to date, nothing has changed. One of the goals of AM is to create a track team in District 3, off Nations Ford Road; hopefully I can get access to E.E. Waddell’s track. The team will be for ages 10-16 male and female at no charge. All youth will be accepted as long as they meet the age requirement and registration. I’m choosing a track team in place of basketball and soccer based on my personal experiences participating in football, basketball and track, from age 10 playing for Police Athletic League (PAL) to my senior year of high school. I’ve noticed in recent years how sports has become big business and a lot of pressure and bullying, especially when a kid doesn’t have the athleticism to make a cut or if they do make the team they may not be good enough to be a starter or they get very little playing time. In track and field this is not the case, everyone can participate in one or more events and won’t have to worry about being bullied, because bullying will not be tolerated at all, and, the comraderie among track athletes is greater than any other sport. In the other three major sports the loser is often reluctant to shake the hands of the team that just beat them. In track and field not only do the competitors shake hands and congratulate each other but often times they forge relationships that go beyond the track and many of them are such good friends that they actually train together. I would say that’s the opposite of bullying and is something that everyone should support. I’ve never seen a fight, an argument or one team member shouting at another in my four years of track and field. The reason the comraderie in track and field is so awesome is simply because no one is under pressure to win, but encouraged to just do their best, and if you don’t place first it’s okay, there are three more slots in that event and more events and heats in that meet on that day so participants can see that if they felt like they didn’t do well at that time, then they have multiple opportunities to redeem themselves that day. That’s a huge relief not to have the burden of “if you lose then that’s it” for that day, so their heads hang low and don’t feel so up to shaking the hands of their opponents. And sometimes arguments and fights break out among teammates over blaming a teammate for a loss.
The track and field movement will be implemented throughout the city at select schools. I have acquired special training methods one of which helped me set a school record in 1982 and at one point I was the leader in my event in this state. This is good, really good, because once the kids who are participating begin to see how they are personally increasing in athleticism and winning meets, they will totally commit. This in turn will give them something that they control and give them a bright and clear vision and be a foundation to build from, them being able to see a future and possibilities. The best thing is that they will never have to worry or think about making a cut or riding the bench. So this will also cut back on the possibility of bullying because everybody’s participating and are on equal ground. No star players, no number one jerseys, everyone’s treated with respect and structure and will be offered the same opportunities and encouragement, absolutely no favoritism in any case.
The name of the track team:
All Out Positive Performers (AOPP) in life.
The name of the total youth who join Amended Minds:
The United Youth Movement (TUYM) for all youth, (pronounced Time).
If you would like to learn more, contact our Director, Keenan Davis at kdavis@amendedminds.org, 704 264 7225, or submit your contact information on the Contact Us page.
13th is a documentary on the prison industrial complex. The 13th Amendment has a loop hole, but it wasn't unintentional
this documentary lays out the truth.
Producer: Ava DuVernay
ON Netflix click on below
Trailer: https://youtu.be/K6IXQbXPO3I

Ava Du Vernay and Oprah discuss 13th

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